One of the major concerns of many bloggers is how to track the comprehensive growth of their blog without going through a complicated process. For that, you need precise data and real-time updates for conducting a 360-degree analysis. Thankfully you don’t have to exert any extra efforts for that as there are several digital analytics tools available in the market that can do all the heavy lifting while also ensuring the most detailed and accurate statistics in an eye-friendly actionable format. In this blog we are going to mention some of the best tools for analyzing the detailed factors of your blog:

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is trusted by global marketers due to its plethora of features, user-friendly architecture, and brand reputation. Once the Google Analytics code is inserted into your site’s HTML the service will start measuring the specific targets including page clicks, stay duration, visitor action, social sharing, etc. Upon each target action, Google automatically updates the log.
Goal Funnel is one of the major strong points of Google Analytics as it allows you to check the bigger picture along with mini-milestones. For instance, you can specify the series of multiple key URLs that a user clicks during the online purchasing process. It will give you a clear picture of closed deals as well as abandoned carts which allow you to infer the reason for cart abandonment and take corrective measures to minimize the same.

Clicky is a freemium tool that is free for the sites with less than 3000 daily pageviews. The ones with 3000+ pageviews require to purchase the packages but prices are quite reasonable and you would get a good RoI.
Clicky has successfully combined the comprehensive information and reader-friendly visual format. So, unlike Google Analytics, it doesn’t strain the eyes or brain to analyze the performance report as you can see and interpret every major piece of information at a glance.
Clicky’s heat maps offer real-time data about the visitors with a breakdown for every individual. There are multiple ways you can use the plethora of this information to connect at a deeper level with your readers depending upon their location, session time, and referring sources.

Piwik offers the same features as the above-mentioned tools but with an added advantage of unlimited data storage options along with a user-friendly mobile app to facilitate on the go use. Here’s a little spoiler though- it isn’t an online tool but software that needs to be downloaded and consumes your server resources.
It offers deeper information and some learning curve is required to use the interface efficiently. An ideal way is to start by understanding the default dashboard functionalities and then you can easily personalize it with the help of available widgets.
You can drill into the details of any specific link or event. All you have to do is to hover the mouse over the desired piece of information and click the graph icon. You would also love the information regarding detailed performance sorted by browsers, devices, and other key parameters.
To enjoy the best potential of the tool without complicating your schedule you can also configure automated email reports to get a periodical overview of your site performance and optimize the strategy accordingly.

When used wisely the Bitly can fetch the precise information about specific analytics parameters of your site or blog. However not too many people use the tool beyond shortening the URL.
It offers you the key reports on the number of clicks your post receives on different social media platforms with a detailed breakdown including date and even geographic location.
Along with understanding the content performance on across different channels you would also be able to realize the demographics of the audience who are interacting most with your posts. It enables you to further optimize your content to connect better with your key audiences.
The simple interface, quick steps, and uncluttered information make it a great tool for the beginners and those who just need the key stats instead of comprehensive information.

Open Web Analytics
Open Web Analytics is software that allows you to analyze your site performance accurately.
Along with providing stats about specific factors like views, unique visits, referral sites, and visitor location, it also offers the breakdown of data about the entire session span of visitors so that you get the wholesome picture of strengths as well as weak points of your site and work on them for optimum benefits.
The tool provides the location of clicks the tool also and logs the mouse movements that offer you better information about the entire navigation journey of your site visitors.
Regular analysis of your blog plays a central role in designing and optimizing a sustainable growth strategy. However, it seems like an uphill task to manually track and analyze every factor of your blog. With the help of various free, and premium tools you can easily analyze a wide array of factors like traffic, clicks, navigation journey, and other visitors’ action on your blog that influence the popularity and potential.