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60,000+ Active WordPress Users for wpCentral

We take great pride in announcing that wpCentral has reached 60,000+ Active WordPress installs on 20th February, 2020. We are working hard to make wpCentral the best and simple WordPress Website Management tool.

It is a great achievement which we would like to share with our users. We would like to thank our users for all their help and support.

We have faced recent security issues and we patched them immediately. The security issues have been fixed as soon as we were notified.

About wpCentral

wpCentral is a single-dashboard panel where users can manage all their WordPress Websites. By managing we mean:

  • Users can login to their website's admin dashboard on just one click without the need to remember the admin credentials of each website.
  • Users can manage the plugins and themes (activate, deactivate, delete, install, update, etc) on just single click.
  • Users can manage their posts easily. Users can even Publish a post present on one website to another website on just single click.
  • Users can secure their websites by creating Backups.
  • Users can create remote backups on servers using FTP/FTPS, SFTP, on dropbox, google drive, etc
  • Users can also automate their backups by setting a particular schedule.
  • Users can also make a new WordPress install on their existing/new website using wpCentral on a single click.
  • Users can also create sets of their favourite plugins and themes which they can install on any website on just one click.

We are working hard in making wpCentral a single stop solution to all the management issues faced by users while managing their WordPress websites.

We welcome our user's suggestions at [email protected]. Also, our support team is highly active in resolving any issues faced, again at [email protected].

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