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Enjoy long term SEO benefits with these Off-Page SEO tips

Today, most of the websites are built on WordPress due to the ease and efficiency it offers to users. Every WP site owner wants to enjoy success but it takes efforts. The competition is high and everyone is trying their best to gain wide popularity. The question here is how to steal the limelight. One of the best solutions is to concentrate on your off-page SEO.

In this blog we will know variously actionable off-page SEO tips to gain long term SEO benefits

What is offpage SEO?

In short, the off-page SEO refers to the SEO practices to the SEO practices where you use the external sources (or sources external to your website) to gain SEO benefits like building links, social media activities and using other external authoritative sources for gaining SEO benefits.  Let us see various Offline SEO tips to help you gain long term benefits:

Content matters

Be very specific about the quality of your content before you post it. Google has evolved a lot in recent years and has developed strong technologies to efficiently identify and penalize the shallow content. Not only the shallow content affects your online reputation but also repels your readers and hurls you down several positions in the search engine results. So, it is highly advisable to conduct deep research before writing the content.

·         Keyword researching will help you know about the most popular search queries in your niche and thus helps you to write an article around the issues that is currently popular among internet users.

·         Use the languages that an average reader can easily understand as it will help you connect with a wider number of readers regardless of their technical or language proficiency. The good content is the one that can easily be understood by the sixth-grader

·         Avoid the unnecessary lengthy content as it can bore the readers and discourage from reading the entire article.

·         Make sure that you structure it well with the right use of headlines, bullet points and numbered lists that make it easier to read and also enhances its visual appeal.

Influencer relations

Influencer outreach can help you a great way in making your content a big hit as the influencers have a huge social following and if they share your content just once, you can get a huge boost in the visibility. Many businesses have the notion that they need to buy the influencer's services which is not entirely true. There are number of genuine influencers who are always happy to share genuine and valuable content through their platforms.

·         A great way to contact them is to send them the mail to go through your content and offer their feedback on the same.

·         Also, take the opportunity to ask them for linking the relevant phrases to their blog posts. It will not only add to the authority of your sit but will also allow the readers to read the details of any specific point that you briefly mention in your blog.

Guest posting on high authority sites

Guest posting is another best way to leverage the off-page SEO of your WordPress blog. Several top-ranking bloggers including the ones that are well established regularly write the guest post on high authority sites as it will help them to earn the high-quality backlink that actively helps in the off page SEO.

Pro Tip: Many site owners only concentrate on the total number of the links but that’s not the right way. Hundreds of low-quality backlines won’t help your off-page asset but may even hurt it. On the other hand, just a handful of high-quality backlinks will offer significant benefits for your off-page SEO.

Social media

Social media engagement is a highly effective tool that can do wonders to your off-page SEO. A good social media presence not only helps you to get noticed and contacted by the targeted audience but will also leverage your off-page SEO in a reasonable period.

Make it a habit to regularly post some useful nice specific social media post on the popular social media channels and make it shareable by actively asking for the feedback from the readers or encouraging to share their own thoughts/experience or additional tips.

Social bookmarking

Social bookmaking is another strong method to promote your WordPress blog or website. By social bookmarking, you can easily reach a huge number of readers across the globe that will skyrocket the visibility and will also increase the number of subscribers and regular visitors. Over reasonable time, it can also help you to increase your conversions.

Bonus feature:

Here is a list of some reputed platforms for effective off page SEO:





Guest posts




Article Submission





Off-page SEO refers to various SEO activities that are not directly related to the design or technical specifications of your website like link building, social media activities and audience engagement (likes, shares, etc.), brand mentions, guest posts, and email outreach among others. The volume-based approach or Black Hat SEO will do more harm than good. To get the real SEO juice from your off-page SEO activities you should use the ethical, white hat techniques, be selective in your approach, and carefully check the authority/genuineness of the sources.

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