Just like a high-end supermarket loses its value without customers, in the same way even the most awesome blogs with top quality content prove to be a failure if it doesn’t get visitors. Time and again we come across many awesome blogs that don’t get many visitors. It shows that along with content and design quality there is something else that needs attention. Adding some attractive and interactive functionality can help you gain more visitors and also increase their stay duration. They can also turn stray visitors into regular audiences. In this blog we are going to mention some of the best plugins that are purpose-built to revive your passive blog and turn it into a happening digital platform by increasing traffic and interaction:

Yoast SEO
On-page SEO management can help you a great way of multiplying your traffic and gain deeper traction into your preferred audience group. With the help of On-Page SEO, you can work on diverse major and minor elements titles, keywords, images, snippets, content style, Meta tags, etc. Yoast is a powerful plug-in to streamline your on-page SEO strategy. It automatically analyses the overall SEO quality of your content and displays the results in a retina-friendly manner with three different colors to indicate SEO parameters- red for poor, orange for okay, and green for good quality.
The best thing is that these lights change in real-time which means that upon making the ideal changes the red light (poor SEO) will automatically turn to orange (Okay) or Green (Good). This plug-in also assesses the readability of your content which not only offers extra marks for SEO but also plays a vital role in keeping the visitors engaged for a long. So, even if you are a new blogger with very limited SEO knowledge, the Yoast will do all the heavy lifting for you thus helping you to optimize your posts for improved ranking.

HubSpot WordPress
To accelerate your traffic you first need to familiarize yourself with the kind of visitors that you are getting. What is the visiting frequency? What is their average session time? What are the activities they perform while on your website? Answers to all such questions will help you adopt the focused strategy that is specifically designed to build on the strengths and work on the weak points of your blog. It will give a clear direction to your digital marketing strategy thus allowing you to get the best RoI within a reasonable time.
Hubspot WordPress plug-in is one such tool that fetches you all such key stats presented on an eye-friendly dashboard. It provides you all the key stats like top lead generating pages, major traffic sources, best days and hours for post publishing, etc. In short, with just a few glances and a little mathematics, you would be able to understand, analyze, and manage your blog traffic for optimum results.

Bloom Email Optin
One of the time tested ways to strengthen your bond with readers and retain their interest is to keep them updated about any new developments. Email opt-in forms make it easier for you by facilitating one on one interaction with your audiences. Unlike conventional SEO strategies, you don’t have to wait for the undefined period to see the results. Email opt-in forms allow you to turn random visitors into subscribers. So, you can directly send them the link to your latest post through the mail which increases the probabilities of a positive response. Moreover, you can also send insider offers, latest events, and exclusive product info to your subscribers which enhances revenue potential. Bloom is one of the best email pot-in plug-ins that comes with 6 eye-catchy pop-up styles. You can also set the specific activities that trigger these pop-ups.
It provides you an extensive list of setting options. By wisely using these options you can increase subscribers without diverting or disturbing your visitors.

While email subscription is the best way to create a rapport with your visitors, there are various other options as well like notifications, call to action, pop-ups, etc. If you are looking for an all in one plug-in that comes with all these capabilities then MailOptin can be the best solution for you. In short, it s a single plug-in equipped with all the key features fro lead generation. It allows you to strengthen your lead generation strategy by multiplying the avenues so that you can serve different flavors (email subscription, pop-up, notifications, etc) to different clients suiting their tastes and preferences.

Many blogs are focused on educating the targeted audiences about specific products and services to help them make informed decisions. One of the major objectives of such blogs is to generate new leads. Optin Monster is such a powerful plug-in that is purpose-designed to capture new leads and stop visitors from straying to another site or closing your blog. It does this by getting the emails of new visitors which allows you to keep in touch even with your random first-time visitors, regardless of whether or not they open your site again. The best thing about this plug-in is that it can efficiently identify user behavior and display the most relevant messages to renew their attention. There are several options and settings to personalize the messages, showing different messages to different visitors based on their activity and timing the pop-up in such a way that it should not disturb the visitors during browsing.
To increase the blog audiences you need to understand them well and build long-term relations. In this blog, we have mentioned some of the best plugins that not only familiarize you with your visitors but also empower you to start one on one communication with them or capture the attention of visitors who are about to exit your site. By wisely using these plugins you can easily save your blog from failure.