Some bloggers start their blog to build their unique brand while others look at blogging as a full-time profession to earn a regular income. No matter what is the purpose behind creating a blog, every blogger loves to increase the visibility, traffic, and ranking of their blog. The question, however, is how to achieve this. In this post, we are going to share some of the practical and actionable tips to increase visibility. Impact, reach, and search engine ranking of your blog.

Make your site simple, intuitive and straightforward
Build an easy, straightforward design that allows your readers to quickly understand what you are offering them and get what they want just with a glance and few clicks. Such communicative site design will instantly delight your visitors and make them curious to know more about your blog.
Along with neat navigation architecture, you also need to create a harmonious, logical equation between the content, menus, design elements, and colors. Did you know that our brain automatically takes advantage of color-coding to instantly find what it wants? Likewise, the things like colors, typography, and shapes also play a vital role in branding. By maintaining a relatable consistency among all these things you can connect with your visitors’ mind at a deeper subconscious level which influences the decisive factors like stay duration, interaction level, and click-through rate.
Along with the above, you also need to focus on the utility value of your blog. While you try your best to make things quickly accessible for your clients, you cannot be sure that it always works in the desired way. In that case, you need to have a powerful, more tangible tool to help your visitors find what they want. Use a well-designed search tool positioned at the eye level so that the visitors can find whatever they need. It can work wonders especially for visitors with limited time or those working on a compact device like Smartphone. They won’t have to worry about looking for something as they can quickly type, hit enter, and get what they need.
Build a blog that works well across different mobile devices while retaining the same level of positive user experience. Not only will it help you to reach a massive population of over 50% of net users who use mobile devices to access sites, but it will also help you in your SEO efforts as mobile responsive design plays as one of the factors to determine your SERPs ranking.

Speed up your site
Slow-loading website annoys visitors and is one of the key search ranking factors it also earns you negative SEO marks. Whether you want to build traffic, or improve your SERPs ranking the first thing to do is to speed up your website.
Start by analyzing your loading speed with reliable Google tools like Pagespeed Insights and Pingdom. Not only will they show you the real-time speed stats but will also provide practical insights on the major factors responsible for latency and a checklist of important to-do points for speeding up your site. Overall it makes your work easier and straightforward by eliminating the guesswork.
If you are not yet happy with the speed implement after making the suggested changes then it is time to check with your hosting provider. You may need to buy more resources (RAM, Bandwidth, etc.) to support the growing traffic, or upgrade your plan. Communicate with your web hosting provider. Sometimes the poor quality standards can also be responsible for slow speed in which case you would need to replace your hosting provider with a reputed brand offering reliable services quality and following fair business practices.
There are many hosting review sites which will not only provide you the verified reviews about different hosting providers but will also help you make an informed decision by expanding your knowledge about a different aspect of web hosting and how they affect your website like bandwidth, disk space, server, different plans, etc.

Produce high quality information
The real victory for bloggers is to turn the random visitors into regular audiences and subscribers. Creating high-quality content and presenting it interestingly is the best way to keep your visitors engaged for a long and revisit your blog in the future.
For producing awesome content you need the right blend of knowledge and creativity. Put yourself in your audiences’ shoes and think about what type of content you would prefer to read? What are the key information gaps? How should the content flow be designed to make the information both digestible and useful in the real world? How to ensure that the shared knowledge should be instantly and confidently applied in the practical situation? Answers to all such questions will help you create high-quality content that will help your readers to grow in their personal and professional lives. It will help in building trust and eventually turns your blog into a reliable brand that readers can bank on for upgrading their knowledge and overcoming challenges.
No one love to read outdated information or bland content. So, keep aside a specific day in the week to update your blog posts and improves the presentation. There are many tools and methods to achieve this.
Storify your content to give a human touch and instantly connect with your readers
Maintain tone consistency and use a dialogue style. Use the sentences, words, and presentation style that you use while conversing with your friends and relatives. A little humor always does wonder and keeps your content fresh.
Don’t beat about the bush. Directly come to the point. It will help you pack plenty of information into relatively shorter pieces of content.
Don’t use just a single type of content style but offer your audiences a healthy variety. Of course, you don’t have to overwhelm them but a reasonable assortment of videos, tutorials, reviews, case studies, and how-to posts provides you a benefit of attracting audiences across different tastes and preferences..
Use Google Analytics to assess your content, identify the top-ranking content and evaluate the reasons. It will help you create more content with the right set of qualities to attract, engage, and positively influences the readers.
Use images and videos to make your content more interesting and help people better understand the complex portions.
Avoid duplicating or simply rephrasing the content from other sites. Rather do deeper research on the top-performing content, recognize the aspects that yet need to be talked about, and base your content strategy on the same. It will give you the dual benefit of writing on top ranking topics and also providing some new, fresh knowledge to the readers.
Use powerful but compact headlines that compel the readers to read your blog. Maintain the quality consistency throughout the article. Strategically structure your article to provide the best reading experience to your audiences.

Keep your reader engaged for long
More than half of people will just glance around the content searching for the most relevant keywords that align with their intent. So make sure that your content isn’t congested or difficult to navigate. Use a good amount of white space and neatly trim your paragraphs to too short, digestible portions.
Use hierarchical structure and typography that intuitively explains the importance and position of different content pieces in your article. Suppose you are talking about writing great content and one of the headings is readability. After mentioning the art of creating readable content if you also want to present some readability checking tools then it is good to use a sub-heading with 2 introductory lines followed by a bulleted list of top 5 tools with a single line description of each. It gives an appealing cogent look to the content, enables readers to quickly scan through the important parts of your content, and also makes it easy for the search engine bots to discover your site during the relevant search queries.

Ethical but effective ways for search engine optimization
A major objection of bloggers is to increase their visibility and the best thing to do is to optimize it for search engines. In simple terms, you need to design your site and content in such a way that your blog gets indexed and starts appearing in the relevant search results. Gradually keep on optimizing the website and content to improve your ranking steadily to get visibility on the first page of Google. You cannot expect to rank on the first page for any search inquiry related to your niche. However, the keyword research will help you identify the high potential keywords and carefully work on your content strategy to rank high on those keywords.
Every blogger wishes to improve the visibility and ranking of their blog. While there isn’t any magic wand to achieve this objective there are a few strategies and methodologies that can help you a great way if you follow them constantly and strategically. In this blog post, we presented some actionable tips insights on this topic. By creating a checklist based on these tips the readers can reasonably improve the visibility, traffic, and ranking of their blog.