Writing high quality content on your blog may lose its value if it fails to attract the traffic. One of the best and easiest ways to increase your blog traffic is to share the blog posts on Facebook. It promises you a remarkable increase in the visibility and building traffic- provided that you follow the right strategy. In this blog you will read the ideal ways to turn facebook into an effectively tool to boost your blog traffic by publishing effective posts. By following these actionable tips you can expect targeted, long-term traffic that really adds sustainable value to your blog, instead of just adding to the quick stats.

Build long-term relations with your readers
While the volume of Facebook likes is important what matters for long term benefits is the number of people who follow you regularly, actively interact with your content, encourage others to read, and share it. It initiates a series of social conversations around your content. It ensures that every quality content piece you provide would be promoted organically on Facebook and eventually turns it into a genuine, lively, and interactive publicity tool for your blog.
Building committed audiences plays a key role in starting your Facebook content marketing strategy. There are two ways to do that- right and wrong. Let’s tell you the difference between the two, and why many people start with the wrong way:

Link Farms- The harmful way of gaining prominence
The wrong way of building facebook audience is buying cheap likes and follows through click farming. For the uninformed, the click farming refers to hiring the services of paid workers whose only job is to click likes and follows on Facebook (and other social media sites). It purely depends upon stats and those paid click farmers would never even return to your Facebook page or add any real value to your content marketing strategy.
The only selling factors in this type of strategy are cheap price and (Fake) volume- the volume that adds zero value. In this model, you pay to get cheated and that’s not a wise thing to do.

Avoid stop words
Stop words that stop people from reading your FB posts. People on Facebook have a very short period. So, replace longer, transitive sentences to short and quick posts with power words. The idea is to convert the first 4-5 words into a perfect eye-grabbers or better still try to wrap the gist of your content into those 5-6 words.
Here is a list of stop words that give a generic character to your post and are generally ignored by Facebook
· A few examples of stop words: A, about, after all, also, always, am, an, and, any, didn’t, do, are, could, did, I, if, I’ll, I’m, in. into, is, isn’t, does, doesn’t, doing, that, the, their, most, much, no there, they, up, us, use, without, wont, you, your, you’re, them, then,

Repeat posts
You can never predict if and when the interested audiences would see your FB post about the latest content. So, repeating your posts every few days certainly boosts the probabilities of attracting more readers and expanding your reach to diverse demographics.

Choose strategic timing for posting
There are specific timings and days when your posts are more likely to get a better response. Following such a targeted schedule may not guarantee maximum clicks but it increases the RoI potential of your social media strategy.
From Monday to Saturdays it is best to post between 1pm – 3pm
Posting at 8PM on Thursdays is also considered as the best time
During weekends you can try publishing additional posts between 3 and 4
There is no hard and fast rule. So try posting on different time and evaluate the outcome to pick the times that work best for you

Use a more eloquent way of communication, i.e., Videos
Just attracting attention isn’t enough- you also have to keep them captivated for some time and videos can help you a great way here. The best thing about videos is they are eloquent and unlike text (which requires reading) they don’t require active efforts from the readers.
Moreover, it offers you multiple gateways (sense organs) which are psychologically proven to increase the impact of your message. Strategically using videos and images offers dual advantage - attracting and engaging visitors on Facebook, and acting as an anchor to redirect them to other social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, etc.
A keen timeline study of Facebook users shows that the ever-increasing number of people is now shifting their focus to video engagement. Moreover, Facebook is also offering preferential treatment to the videos. You can tap this opportunity by posting more videos and increasing visibility and engagement opportunities.
There are various ways in which you can use Facebook to attract more visitors to your blog. However, many bloggers just focus on the facebook stats. For long term benefits you need to build a committed community of readers who really like and engage with your blog. It is equally important that the demographics of your reader’s community should align with your preferences as it directly influences your blog’s potential. The reach, tools, insights and interaction options available on the Facebook makes it a perfect platform to maximize the reach and impact of your blog.