Have you ever wondered how the top bloggers are able to earn 6-figure income? What are the strategies they follow a how do they get so many engagements on their post? Well, it is all abut the ethical content strategy make the content shine and increase the traffic. In this blog we will talk about some of the major content techniques to adopt for gaining a distinct position on SERPs while also increasing the traffic and interaction:

Focus on specific niche and identify relevant trends
While you should have a passion for writing, it is equally important for any blog to have a specific focus and niche. Your blog should instantly connect with the niche audiences by delivering them focused, well-researched and contemporary information that adds value to their knowledge and work. It will keep them engaged for long and prompt them to subscribe your blog. So, once you have chosen a specific niche, invest your efforts in researching the niche-related topics with high potential.
Writing on already trending topics allows you to ride on the existing wave of popularity. In other words you can attract a good traffic with fewer efforts.
There are some great tools that help you check the trending topics.

Use right headlines to captivate people’s attention
Headlines can be compared to the outer packaging of your content. Even a great product fails to attract the attention if the packaging is shabby. So, work seriously while creating headlines for your content. The challenge is to pack super power into a compact format. You might have observed that the headlines of blog posts by top bloggers have a unique appeal that prompts you to click the link and read the post, even if you don’t have plenty of time. Well, that is among a few key factors that help them achieve popularity and stardom! The good thing is that you don’t have to rack your brains to come up with a unique headline. There are some great tools to make your work less difficult.
You still have to invest your creative efforts but these tools will give you the suggestions that will make the process more defined and enable you to invest calculated efforts.

Content can visually be scanned for quick first impact
After headline, the next thing that really matters is the overall visual structure of your article. Did you now tat before reading the article people generally look at a quick overview of the visual structure? The lengthy, overflowing paragraphs give a scary look and put them off. So, break your content into small digestible paragraphs of not more than 4-5 lines (maximum). Also use bullet points and lists to give your content a neat, organized look. Use bold headlines to properly categorize different sections of your content. Using H2 or H3 tags will make it easier for the search engine bots to navigate meaningfully through your content. It will also help mobile users to quickly scan through main sections of your article.
· Use sub headlines to further emphasize your points
· Use digestible small sentences
· Break up text with bullet points
· Tastefully insert images at appropriate places in your content
Your post should also be quickly comprehensible for the readers and provide to-the-point solutions to their queries. Respect your readers’ time and use brevity as a tool to keep them engaged.
There are many tools in the market that can offer you the complete information about readability of you content. Working on those insights you can optimize your content to make it comprehensible for readers and easier for search engine bots to discover.

Invite subject experts as contributors
Having experts on your website can significantly increase its value and builds a distinct brand authority among the audiences. For that you have to research well and build a strong strategy to invite experts in your niche to contribute insightful content on your blog.
Register on mention.com. Start by entering your brand name and upon being promoted you may enter other brands that you want to monitor in order to conduct a shoulder on shoulder comparison.
It will show you the different social platforms where your/your competitors’ brands have been mentioned and the people talking about it. Now sort the list to search for niche influencers. Having niche influencer talking about brand means they are already familiar with it and are more likely to accept your invitation for contributing on your site- provided you approach them in the right way and do your homework well.
Buzsumo is another important tool that can help you in finding the influencers who engage with or endorse specific brands.
It will offer you the complete overview like the content type, traffic, and use of keywords etc. so that you can identify the right influencers whose content, traffic and engagement style aligns with your specific objectives.

Create unique featured images for quick impression
Feature images when used wisely, is a powerful way to offer a distinct appeal to your site.
In fact the featured image is the first image seen by your audience on your page.
Featured image also happens to be most shared image on the social media channels. So treat it with utmost respect and ensure that it should have a grand impressive look.
You just don’t need a good featured image but have to use the image that simply claims the limelight among many other images.
There are many easy graphic designing tools like Canva that allow you to create a unique catchy design with quick tools and automated steps.
Besides there are a number of readymade customized templates that make things even easier for you.
Rectangular featured images look great on thumbnails and Facebook.
Before you start creating, properly researched social media image size
Right, logically defined content strategy can play a vital role in increasing traffic and engagement rate. Along with the quality of your content other features like right headlines, proper content structure and easy readability are also important to engage more people with your content.