Starting a blog isn’t difficult but turning it into an income opportunity certainly requires serious efforts. Many people start blogging just because they have a passion for writing. However, they overlook other factors like technical aspects, business potential, SEO, etc. and that’s a big reason why most of the people now start their bog enthusiastically have to wrap it up within a year. In this blog, we are going to share some of the best tips to ensure that your blog won’t meet a similar destiny but would join the rank of successful blogs.

Put in hard work
There are millions of blogs worldwide and billions of blog posts are being written regularly. So the competition is very high.
You need to be unique to enjoy distinguished positions. So you need to constantly learn the new things and upgrade the knowledge about your specific niche. Don’t try to dip your fingers into too many thing at the beginning.
Smart Tip: Remember, you don’t have to compete on global or national level if your main audiences are local. Likewise, if you are concentrating on your specific area (say the beauty salons in your block or the department shops in your avenue) the competition will dramatically become smaller and much easier to manage.

Be ready to invest in the professional platform
While you may be tempted to opt for the free blog building platforms they lack the quality and professional appeal. So avoid them and go for the paid site builders with premium features and a good brand reputation. You may also hire a designer if you need a customized blog design with a specific personality.
Keep in mind that free blog platforms cost you reputation, respect, and revenue opportunities. If you weigh the things like a sharp businessman you would realize that it is much better to invest some amount rather than risking you blogging business by using free resources that, at best, can provide you a substandard blog with a DIY look- something that would neither attract readers nor convince potential advertisers.

Invest wisely by adopting RoI based approach
You cannot escape the investment part if you are starting a blog as a business. However, you have to be careful while investing to avoid spending a pound to earn a penny. Weigh the things and think in terms of RoI. Most of the top bloggers with lavish websites started with a humble layout sans frill and fancy.
It is only after earning some income these bloggers started upgrading the design. As a beginner, the only major concern is having a professional and reader friendly design.

Gain some level of relevant technical proficiency
You don’t have to master different technical aspects of web design and development but you need to have an average knowledge of these things to maintain the technical health of your blog. It will not only save you from recurring costs for modifying the design but will also allow you to take better control of the overall visitor experience.
On the web you can find a good amount of learning material on designing and development but you don’t necessarily need expertise. Just go through the basic knowledge and keep on sharpening it through hit and try the practice. A majority of bloggers learned that way and you can too. While ding all these things always maintain in your mind that the content is the hero of your blog while the rest factors like design and functionalities are the side characters. So, while the main objective should be to create a fine synergy among all, the major focus should be on the content and its quality. Serious readers may forgive a generic design if the content is great but they won’t tolerate a fancy, designer blog with low quality, copied, and generic content.

Publishing consistency matters
Make a regular schedule of publishing. It is highly recommendable to write daily even if you wish to publish 2-3 posts a week. It will help you in sharpening your writing skill and build a signature style of your own that will give a distinct personality to your blog. Consistency plays a vital role in building a regular stream of readers.
If you publish 5 blogs today and then took a break of 15 days, you won’t be able to attract genuine readers. Your main objective is to build a reading habit among your blog visitors so that they can be converted to regular readers. It is also advisable not to dip your fingers into too many things at the same time. Wisely schedule things like content writing, content marketing, contacting advertisers, etc. so that one activity should not interfere with another.

Social media marketing
One of the easiest ways to promote your blog on your own with zero amounts is to create a good social media reputation. Just creating a Facebook page or twitter handle isn’t enough. You need to ignite the conversation and take it forward. If you would look at the social media handles of top bloggers you would observe that they are constantly engaging with their audiences. Right from creating engaging niche related social media posts to telling passionately about their latest posts and initiating discussions- these bloggers are expert at converting social media into a powerful promotional tool. To get the success you have to take inspiration from what successful people are doing. By and by you can strengthen your social media presence and constantly engage with your audience.
To earn a decent regular income out of your blog it is very important to create a checklist of the major things to concentrate on. In this blog, we provided a list of the most important things that can determine the destiny of your blog. The readers are advised to carefully note these things down and follow the tips regularly. It will help them in enjoying decent success in their blogging career.