Blogging can be a very promising enterprise if you follow the right strategy. However, many bloggers fail to do that and left their efforts in a middle way seeing that no progress has been made. Instead of putting in the initial efforts and then leaving a pursuit, it is better to identify the specific reasons for failure and working on them to improve your potential. An even better option is to regard your blog as a serious commercial venture right from the beginning and keep on identifying different income-generating opportunities. In this blog, we are going to reveal some of the best ways to earn from your blog even if you are a beginner.

Offer real value to the audiences
The easiest way to start generating income from your blog is to offer expert services to your audiences. Now the term expert service is a wide term and under the umbrella you have varied fields like offering actionable advice on relevant issues, how-to guides, helping your audiences identify latent opportunities, and even offering your direct services in the fields you expertise in- digital marketing, website development, etc.
In simplest terms, you can start by helping your readers identify the exact reason behind the tricky issues or hurdles they are facing, and even more importantly, help them overcome those challenges by providing immediately actionable practical advice.
A majority of digital users browse content that can help them overcome their present challenges in the most practical way. By serving them such content you can build an instant rapport with this vast majority of audiences.

Offer distinguished writing service to top brands
The reputed brands have a constant requirement for the skilled writers with demonstrated distinct capabilities. While there are numerous writers available in the world, very few can be put into the category if accomplished writers. So, developing such distinguished writing skills and marketing them in the best way allows you to join the relatively smaller community of high-caliber writers that minimize the competition. Moreover, the reputed brands are ready to pay a decently high price for each piece of writing. It not only hikes your income potential but also relieves you from the worry of living from paycheck to paycheck.
The demand curve of skilled bloggers is going up which means that once you acquire the skills the income potential will constantly keep on rising- provided that you effectively market your skills to the right brands using right strategies.
There are a number of writing courses available online. Carefully select the best courses. Such certification equips you with in-demand skill sets that the reputed brands are looking for. Make sure to go for certificate courses from reputed sources as the latter provides you a tangible proof to show the potential clients.

Provide reasonably priced onine courses on related topics
One of the best ways to get the best out of small community of potential buyers is to sell them something that assures a good revenue per sales and allows you to keep the maximum profit. One option is to sell online courses through your blog.
Now the question comes that why people would invest in online courses when the internet is rife with free lessons on the same topics. The simple answer is comfort and trust. While people love free information, they are also aware that the quality and practical effectiveness of such information may not always be reliable. Paid courses, on the other hand, are looked as more trustable sources as the course creator is selling it for a price and is thus answerable to the learners. Also, the online courses bring multiple aspects of the same topic on the same ground and structure them in a linear, easy to understand format.
In order to attract people to your courses, you can keep the prices reasonably owner in the starting and also collect the feedback from the learners. It will offer you a wholesome review of your course identify the weaknesses strengths and work on them to further improve the quality. It will also help you improve your relations with the readers.
It also allows you to work exclusively for your passion instead of blogging for various brands. That’s why it is the best option for passionate bloggers who wish to earn a good income without compromising on their passion or allowing commercial factors to alter their writing style/skills.

Create e-books
Now this advice is not directly related to the field of blogging but it is helpful nevertheless. You can create an e-book comprising your best articles that tend to the same issue. Sure, you may have to put in more effort- do some fill in the blanks, modify your strategy, and restructure the format to suit the style of an e-book. One of the best ways to sell your e-book content is through Kindle books but you shouldn’t neglect the other options either.
One of the best factors about Kindle is that it is a part of the reputed brand Amazon- an eCommerce platform that enjoys unrivaled reputation across the globe.

Create a list of email subscribers
Another creative way to use your blog as an income generator is to create a list of email subscribers. In this way, you would have a list of email addresses of the people who are very likely to be interested in your topics and products.
Converting such subscribers into clients is comparatively easy and you can also employ this list to gain committed audiences, sell affiliate products, and use for other commercial endeavors. However, you need to maintain a fine balance between giving and take. You can start by offering exclusive content and more in-depth insights to your email subscribers only. It will help you bond better with such audiences. You can even ask their feedback and suggestion on the same and encourage them to interact with you through email.
Seamless communication and active interaction further strengthen the relations and make readers appreciate your proactive efforts in resolving their issues. Once you have thus fortified the relations, you can then send those emails about the tricky issues and naturally mention your affiliate products, paid courses, or kindle books as one of the best options to solve those issues.
In this strategy you follow a natural curve, starting from delivering high-value exclusive information right into the mailboxes of your email subscribers, then encouraging them to frankly discuss their issues with your through direct email communication, and then- after winning their trust- you suggest them about the best products or services that can solve their issues. It is much easier to convince people after building trust and familiarity rather than directly marketing their products.
Starting a blog is super easy but attracting audiences is difficult. Even more difficult is to generate income from your blog. However, instead of getting discouraged, the new bloggers can use some smart, easy, and sure-shot ways to gradually turn their blog into a profitable venture. In this article, we shared some actionable tips to help you get your initial paychecks even if your blog doesn’t attract lots of traffic.