This documentation will guide you to install a fresh WordPress on your domain using wpCentral.
- Login to your wpCentral panel here.
- Before proceeding with the installation, make sure the domain, where you want to install WordPress, is added in your wpCentral account. If not, follow the guide here to add domain.
- Now that the domain is added, select Install WordPress option from the left panel.
- You will be redirected to the WordPress Install Form as shown.
- Fill in the details like protocol, domain name, directory, database name, admin login details language, etc.
Note : If you wish to install the script on the root of the domain eg : please leave the In Directory field blank.

6. To select a Backup Location, go to Advanced Options section of the install form. Select the backup location that you have added through Settings page where you want to store the backup of your installation.
Note: If you do not set this option, backups will be performed on the default location that you have set on the Settings page. If you have not yet configured the Backup Locations, backup location will by default be the local server inside wpCentral plugin directory of your installation.

7. Once you are done with the details click on install button and this should do the trick.
8. As soon as the installation is complete wpCentral will provide links to your installation. Also, the wpCentral plugin is installed on your website by default and your site is added in wpCentral panel for you to manage it from here itself.

9. Click on the links provided and this should redirect you directly to the site page or the admin homepage whichever you choose.
Thats it! You have successfully installed WordPress on your domain.